All about the United Kingdom’s national, regional and local press

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You cannot use this form to contact newspapers

We are independent of the newspapers and have no responsibility for the content of any newspaper. If you have something you want to raise with a particular newspaper, for instance:

  • you wish to complain about something you’ve seen misreported
  • you want a back copy of a story or a photograph
  • you want to subscribe or have had problems with a subscription
  • you’ve had trouble with a newspaper ad you’ve placed
  • you want to apply for a paper round or a job with a newspaper

then you should raise it direct with the newspaper concerned. The contact details are generally on the newspaper’s website (and you should be able to find a link to their website on the appropriate page of our website). Sorry, we don’t have the resources to reply to messages on these subjects.

– Likewise, we don’t publish news stories ourselves; so no press releases, please!

This site is only about British newspapers. Sorry, but we can’t answer questions about anything else, whether it’s tracing a deceased relative, finding photographs from the area you grew up in, or any other enquiry that’s not specifically about British newspapers and/or this site. If you’re researching your family past, you’ll find several resources listed at our sister site: 101 Genealogy.

We don’t keep archives of newspapers. If you want to research an old story, then you should contact the newspaper direct or visit a reference library for the area – either of these two sources are likely to have microfiche archives available.